Applies to Models: All Hanwha Camera, Recorder, WAVE, Wisenet SKY, OSSA camera and SSM
All Hanwha Camera, Recorder, WAVE, Wisenet SKY, OSSA camera and SSM have no vulnerability found on SpringShell Framework
Case :
- CVE-2022-22965(Spring4Shell)
- CVE-2022-22963
Case Review:
1. Hanwha Camera and Recorder
- Since no Hanwha camera and Recorder use Java Framework, there will be no vulnerability on this case
- All Wisenet WAVE services including WAVE Sync, do not use Java Framework thus there is no vulnerability on this case
3. Wisenet SKY
- Eagle Eye Networks checked with Ops and our scans report CLEAN. No vulnerability found.
Wisenet SKY is not affected by Spring4Shell vulnerability.
4. OSSA Camera
- Azuna OS doesnt use Spring Framework thus it doesnt have any vulnerability on the case
- there was found related Spring library(passay) refereced code but this could work only if there should be Spring framework
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