Applies to Models: WAVE, Any make or model Decoder
If you deploy multiple decoders with a Wave server, it is advisable to pull RTSP streams from the WAVE server, not the cameras. Pulling RTSP streams from your WAVE server is better than directly from the cameras. WAVE will treat it like any other client connection. If you pull RTSP streams from the cameras, this will overtax the cameras.
Step By Step Guide:
1. Log into WAVE
2. Right-click on Users (Figure 1)
3. Select New User (Figure 1)
Figure 1
4. Select Local from the User Type dropdown (Figure 2)
5. Name the User Account (Figure 2)
6. Provide Credentials (Figure 2)
7. The Role of Live Viewer is fine for this account (Figure 2)
Figure 2
8. Click on the three dots next to Enabled on the New User screen (Figure 3)
9. Select Allow Digest Authentication for this User (Figure 3)
10. Click OK (Figure 3)
Note: Since version 5 of WAVE, all user account information is encrypted requiring Digest Authentication. Future distributions may utilize bearer token. This is not yet implemented, no release schedule is available at this time.
Figure 3
11. To pull RTSP streams from WAVE, you need the Camera ID
12. Right-click on the camera in WAVE you wish to pull a stream from (Figure 4)
13. Select Camera Settings (Figure 4)
14. Click on the down arrow in Camera Settings>General (Figure 4)
Figure 4
15. Copy the Camera ID (Figure 5)
Figure 5
16. Open any text editor and paste this information into it
17. The RTSP URL should look like one of the following:
For pulling the Default Stream use:
It is advisable to force the resolution to the Low-Resolution Stream since most decoders will not be able to display a 4 or 5 megapixel stream in a multi-channel view.
Low-Resolution URL:
High-Resolution URL (Not Advisable)
It is also never advisable to transcode in the URL. This will overtax the server very quickly
18. Manually Register the aforementioned RTSP URL into your Decoder
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