The Problem: Wave Client will not run on my machine
Wave Client requires a computer (real or virtual) with support for OpenGL 2.1 or higher.
Typically this is not an issue but in some cases, a need arises to launch the Wave Client on computers with limited graphics options. A virtual machine (VMWare, VirtualBox) or a Server PC with limited graphics capabilities are typical examples where OpenGL 2.1 may not be supported.
Workaround: Emulate the GPU using the CPU
To resolve this issue it is necessary to emulate graphics functions over the CPU which allows running the client on any hardware set if the Server application is installed on any Windows x64 OS version.
- When using this method what you are really doing is transferring the computing load that would normally be done by a GPU to the CPU. This will cause your CPU usage to go up significantly.
- We do not recommend using this method unless it is absolutely required.
- Remember to close the Client application as soon as you are finished to return your CPU load to normal.
To emulate the graphics functions:
- Download the OpenGL emulation library (version 23.1.0). To decide which package you need, MSVC (Windows) or MinGW (Unix emulation environment on Windows), please check the documentation.
- Extract the archive to a folder.
- Copy opengl32.dll, libglapi.dll, and libgallium_wgl.dll files.
- Past the copied files to the folder where the Wave executable is located
C:\Program Files\Hanwha\Wisenet WAVE\Client\<current version>
- Open CMD and enter this command to create the environment variable to enable OpenGL software rendering:
setx GALLIUM_DRIVER llvmpipe
- Run Wave
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