When upgrading NVRs the upgrade can fail and an error message is displayed 'Upgrade Failure' or not show the USB device being used for upgrade.
No HDD fitted
One reason for this could be that a HDD is not fitted to the NVR. Sometimes an installer may try to upgrade the version of a new NVR straight from the box without fitting any disks.
The NVR requires a HDD to be fitted in order to store the image file for upgrading.
Things to look for when upgrade fails due to no HDD
- WebGUI shows upgrade failure
- Device manager connects ok but gets timeout warnings when trying to upload the file
- HDMI UI (local monitor UI) Doesn't show an upgrade option
To solve this, fit a compatible HDD and format it.
The NVR should then be able to upgrade.
USB upgrade
If upgrading from USB - make sure the image file .img is on the root of the USB drive. When downloading the update from the internet it can be zipped and the file will be .zip - this will not work if the .zip file is copied to the USB drive, it must be unzipped first then the .img file copied to USB
If the firmware on the recorder is a newer version than the version on the USB drive, the recorder may not display it on the upgrade page. Make sure to rename the file to the same version as the current recorder firmware or newer.
Also sometimes a large USB disk is used - A well known brand of USB disk should be used and not too large. 4 or 8GB should be fine.
You can also try using the front USB port on the recorder to upgrade.
Incorrect model firmware
Check the firmware is the correct one for the model of NVR that is being upgraded.
This can be checked on the Hanwha website or on centralDB
PV samples
If the unit to be upgraded is a PV sample then it should not be upgraded as this is a test product only and not designed to be used and upgraded.
PV samples will have [PV] written on the sticker along with the serial number like above
Do not attempt to upgrade a PV sample - it may become permanently damaged.
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