1. Models
- X1100 Hybrid access controller
2. Purpose
- ACS controller FW update is recommended
3. How to update
① Firefox browser(Recommended)
② Webpage access : Enter controller IP
③ Change the controller DIP switch to admin reset+
. Account reset by changing the switch DIP 1 : on, DIP 3,4 : off → ID : admin, PW : password
④ Go to Diagnostic tab
⑤ Click on “Browser” button → select FW for update
⑥ Click on “Load File” to update, controller auto reboots when update finished
⑦ Find the updated information on “Device Info” page
⑧ When completed, change back to the original condition Dip switch 1 4 off(Normal operation)
[controller DIP switch]
※Latest FW information : https://www3.hidglobal.com/developer center/hid-aero-sdk
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