Applies to Models: PNO-A9081R, PNV-A9081R, PND-A9081RV, PND-A9081RF
The AI options for these cameras has been upgraded to a new application called WiseAI. In order to use the new AI application, you must update the firmware to 2.21.13_20230414_R782. You must follow the steps below, in consecutive order, to gain the new functionality for these cameras. The benefits gained from this FW release:
- Expands the camera flash memory size reserved for Open Platform Applications from 50MB to 150MB which increases the number of open platform applications that can be installed and work simultaneously
- Provides a central management location for ALL Camera related AI functionalities including Analytics and Statistics through the versatile WiseAI app
- Camera AI based functionality updates: added new features and AI algorithm accuracy improvement can be achieved by upgrading the WiseAI application only without interrupting the camera regular operation
- One of the new features that is provided via the WiseAI application is the capability to train the camera for a user defined object detection using Wisenet Device Manager Wise Detector
NOTE: Once you update your camera to version 2.21.13, you will not be able to downgrade to a
legacy firmware.
Upgrade Process:
- Download the firmware package to your Desktop from here. This package will contain the following, required, upgrade files that must be installed in the order shown (Figure 1)
- Unzip the downloaded firmware upgrade file to your Desktop
Figure 1
NOTE: With the camera upgrade ALL the original camera configurations related to Object
Detection, Best shot, Face Mask Detection, Social Distancing, IVA, and Statistics will be lost
and will need to be reconfigured using the WiseAI application. Non AI Camera settings will
be maintained throughout the upgrade process. (If you have a legacy platform camera
configuration backup file, you should be able to use it restore the NON-AI related functions,
if needed, after the upgrade.)
Step One: Upgrade the camera using the Bridge Firmware:
- Login to the Camera Web GUI using admin credentials
- Navigate to System -> Upgrade/Restart
- From the upgrade/restart menu -> Software upgrade, browse for the bridge firmware on your desktop, Click Upgrade
- Wait until the upgrade process is completed (Don’t disconnect the camera power during the upgrade process)
- Once the camera is back online, login to the Camera Web GUI using admin credentials and verify the camera firmware is updated to the bridge firmware listed above ( System -> Upgrade/Restart -> Upgrade -> Info )
Alternatively, you can use Wisenet Device Manager to perform the Camera Firmware upgrade using the final firmware which is the preferred method for updating multiple cameras at one time. Refer to this article for more information on using WDM to upgrade your cameras.
Step two: Upgrade the camera using the Final Firmware:
- Login to the Camera Web GUI using admin credentials
- Navigate to System -> Upgrade/Restart
- From the upgrade/restart menu -> Software upgrade, browse for the final firmware on your desktop, Click Upgrade
- Wait until the upgrade process is completed (Don’t disconnect the camera power during the upgrade process)
- Once the camera is back online, login to the Camera Web GUI using admin credentials and verify the camera firmware is updated to the bridge firmware listed above ( System -> Upgrade/Restart -> Upgrade -> Info )
Alternatively, you can use Wisenet Device Manager to perform the Camera Firmware upgrade using the final firmware which is the preferred method for updating multiple cameras at one time. Refer to this article for more information on using WDM to upgrade your cameras.
Step three: Install the WiseAI application:
- Login to the Camera Web GUI using admin credentials
- Navigate to Open Platform -> browse for the WiseAI application install file (.cap) on your desktop, click install
- Wait for the application installation to be completed. (Click yes to confirm if prompted with a popup message indicating the installation of this application will activate the Device Function.)
- When the installation is completed, remaining in the Camera Web GUI, navigate to Analytics -> WiseAI to configure WiseAI
NOTE: ALL of the original camera configuration related to Object Detection, Best Shot, Face
Mask Detection, Social Distancing, IVA, and Statistics have to be reconfigured using the
WiseAI application.
Alternatively, you can use Wisenet Device Manager to perform the WiseAI application installation which is the preferred method if installing WiseAI on multiple cameras.
Using Wisenet Device Manager to install the WiseAI Application
- Open Wisenet Device Manager
- Right click on the camera and select Open Platform (Figure 2)
Figure 2
- Click File Open and browse for the install file (.cap)
- Click Open -> Install (Figure 3)
- Wait for the installation to complete at which time you should see Updated in the Result column
Figure 3
WiseAI Application Interface
There are two ways to access the WiseAI application configuration options:
- Browse to the Camera's Web GUI and navigate to Analytics -> WiseAI
- Browse to the Camera's Web GUIand navigate to Open Platform -> WiseAI -> Go App
You are presented with the configuration interface: (Figure 4)
Figure 4
WiseDetector in Wisenet Device Manager
WiseDetector is now a part of Wisenet Device Manager (WDM). You must have the latest version of Wisenet Device Manager (WDM) and the WiseAI application installed on a P-AI series camera in order to use WDM WiseDetector. (Figures 5, 6 and 7)
Figure 5
Figure 6
Figure 7
WiseDetector has the following pre-requisites:
Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Client Profile
Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package (x86) (available in the WiseDetector installer)
Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2022 Redistributable Package X86, X64) - Microsoft DirectX® End-User Runtime LINK
1. Legacy Open Platform Occupancy Monitoring Application is not compatible with the new
Platform. You must install the new version: Occupancy Monitoring Application V1.30.00
2. If you notice irregular behavior after upgrading to the final firmware, it is recommended
factory default the unit.
3. The camera cannot be downgraded to a legacy firmware.
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