Applies to Models: WAVE Version 3.2 Client Software
The steps below are for instructional purposes or emergency use only.
Hanwha Vision recommends that only a qualified IT Professional attempt this process.
Hanwha Vision and its affiliates are not responsible/will not accept responsibility for damage to hardware, hardware components, loss/corruption of data, or any damages resulting from using this process.
The WAVE Desktop app requires a computer (real or virtual) with support for OpenGL 2.1 or higher. Typically this is not an issue, but in some cases, a need arises to launch WAVE Desktop on computers with limited graphics options. A virtual machine (VMWare, VirtualBox) or a Server PC with limited graphics capabilities are typical examples where OpenGL 2.1 may not be supported. This article will help you overcome this limitation by using your CPU instead of a GPU.
Step By Step Guide:
1. Download the OpenGL 2.1 emulation by using the attached file.
2. Copy and paste the downloaded opengl32.dll file to the folder/directory where the WAVE Desktop executable is located.
3. Open WAVE Desktop.
4. Close the client after viewing to return your CPU load to normal
NOTE: If you do not remove this DLL from your system. It could permanently damage your
Wave Server. This is only for incidents where have no Wave client PC to operate from
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