This article serves to clarify a few misconceptions pertaining the preview in the camera layout in WAVE, the network traffic and resolution settings.
A user may assume that the preview pertains to the high and low resolution stream of the connected camera so that the smaller camera view corresponds with the low resolution stream while the enlarged or exploded view corresponds to the high resolution stream of the connected device. Thus low and high network traffic displayed is in accordance with the respective high and low resolution streams. The user may therefore be of the understanding that setting the resolution to 'Auto' means that in the preview the cameras will display only the LoRes and in the full screen mode should switched to HiRes.
However, what does happen, is if response or resources of the server are slow(er), it might provide the secondary stream for all or some thumbnails in the preview search. The preview search always tries to show the primary stream.
Primary streams use more bandwidth than the secondary streams. If the frames-per-second, fps and the Mbps are 0 it is an indication that the bandwidth is only used to collect the thumbnail and thus is still quite limited. Resolution settings, don't apply to this feature, only to regular layouts and resources in the grid.
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