Many Wisenet cameras offers alarm inputs and outputs, these are TTL outputs and are not volt free, a transistorised relay is required to obtain a volt free output.
The PNO-A9081R has a 12V 50mA supply capable of powering the below transistorised relay, therefore an additional power supply for the transistorised relay is not required.
Important Information.
- The PNO-A9081R has a total budget of 50mA, therefore only one relay can be directly powered from the camera.
- If two relays are required, a separate power supply will be required to power the transistorised relays as this will exceed the 50mA budget if both relays are energised at the same time.
- In the below example we have one relay connected to the I/O 1 wire of the camera.
- A 47KΩ resistor is required to be connected in series on the I/O trigger wire.
Note - without the 47KΩ resistor in place, the relay will always be energised and the camera will have no control.
Note - The jumper must be set to L for proper operation.
Camera wires
Green wire - 12V 50mA
Black wire - 0V
Orange wire - I/O 1
Brown wire - I/O 2
Camera Configuration.
- Navigate to the camera webpage.
Under Settings, Event, Alarm I/O.
- In this example, we have configured I/O 1 as an Output, the type has been set as N.O. Normally Open, Mode type as Pulse and Duration of 3 seconds.
The above example would be ideal for releasing a door lock or carpark barrier.
The relay used in this example has a total current draw of 50mA, therefore it is suitable to be powered from the camera.
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